Credit List – Documentary

We work on an indie documentary project at least once a year (if not more!).  We love working with long-form projects and helping with that final stage of delivery.  From the final editing tweaks to sound / colour work and DCP deployment, we take pride in getting projects over the line with a director, often when they need inspiration the most!  Here’s a selected list of highlights.

 “Ervin and Elsa” : 12 mins (Fine-cut / Colour grade / Up-res / Mix / DCP authoring)
Short documentary Directed by Mark Hollenger, 2024

“Who I Am” : 24 mins (Color grade / sound mix / DCP authoring)
Mid-length documentary Directed by Naomi Ball, 2023

“Superheroes & Me” : 15 mins (Color grade / Sound mix / DCP authoring)
Short documentary Directed by Liam Burke, 2020

“Batoor: A Refugee Journey” : 120 mins (Color re-grade / Sound re-mix / DCP authoring)
Feature length doc Directed by Ali Batoor… this was a re-mastering to improve film in 2021.

“Big in Japan” : 94 mins (Fine cut / color grade / sound mix / DCP authoring)
Feature documentary Directed by Lachlan McLoed, 2017

“Journey Beyond Fear” : 98 mins (trailer / promo / post-effects / DCP authoring)
Feature documentary by Illusive TV, 2017

“Footwurku” : 74 min (Production / trailer)
Mini-documentary, work in progress, 2017-

“The BC Doco Part 1” (and Part 2) : 25 min (Production / Editing / Mix)
Online web series by Dale D, 2015

“Omagh Celebrations 2014” : 27min (Editing / Grading / Mix)
Online / cable TV doco for Multicultural Arts Victoria.  Directed by Robyn Hughan, Steve Warne & Barat Ali Batoor.

“Journey to Nowhere” : 30 min featurette (Editing / Grading / Mix)
Promotional / preview cut of the doco, Robyn Hughan, 2013

“One million boxes” (Direction / production / all post production)
Funded by Mars inc, 2012

“Bush Meet 2012” (Editing / Grading / Soundmix)
Various Indigenous communities in WA, w/ Nicki Ma 2010 – 2012

“Yiwarra Kuju: The Canning Stock Route” (Editing / Grading)
Exhibition at National Museum of Australia, 2011

“Back on Track” (Camera / Colour Grade / Soundmix)
CQL, 2011

“Beyond Words” (Camera / Colour Grade / Soundmix)
The Dax Centre / CQL films, 2010

“Not So Stright” (Soundmix / DVD Authoring)
Produced by P. George / P. Shmith / YAK, 2010

“Above and Beyond” (Editing / Colour Grading / Soundmix / Authoring)
CQL, 2009

“Salute” (Camera Op / Archival editing & management)
Matt Norman, 2008

“A Nun’s New Habit”  (Soundmix / DVD Authoring)
Robyn Hughan 2008

Various Productions (Editing / Soundmix / Grading)
A series of run-and-gun style mini-docos for Indigenous communities in WA
Nicole Ma Films 2005 – 2010

Doco’s we have worked on have featured at Festival de Cannes, Doc Edge, added to in-flight entertainment, added to commercial on-demand services, been reviewed on ABC, exhibited at the National Museum of Australia and screened on televisions stations globally.